short: A collection of Octamed Synthsounds author: uploader: type: mods/house ##### d#b "###" ### ### `^' #b..d#####b .d#####b..d# .md######## ##### #### ##### .d######b. "####" #### d##P" "*###" d##P" "*### "###" "### "###" ###" "## ###" "##" ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###. ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### `^###mm ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### `^###m. ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### `###b ### `##b. .d###. "##b. .d###. .###. "##b. .d###. m#b. .d###P d###b `^#####"^### `^#####"^### ##### `^#####"^### "#"#####^" .d#######################################b. ###^" "^### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###b. .d### "^#######################################^" .d###############################################################b. ###^" "^### ### The RADIUS home page contains an excellent assortment ### ### of truly cool and awesome shit: ### ### ### ### The latest RADIUS MODS ### ### Links to the coolest MODS and related files ### ### MOD related links ### ### Rave / Techno / etc... related links ### ### Tasteless Jokes and Stories ### ### Funny shit ### ### Cool links ### ### A nifty and quick AMINET FTP interface ### ### Lots of 'under construction' and outdated URL's ### ### No inline graphics or sounds ### ### Unprofessional look and sarcastic/unwellthoughtout ### ### text and commentary ### ###b. .d### "^###############################################################^" Octamed synthsounds have got to be the coolest thing. Not only are they useful for creating C= 64 style 'chip' sounds (as Teijo Kinnunen suggests in his DOC file for the synthsound editor, but the "transform" and "cut sample range to synthsound" buttons permit a flexible range of sound creation (synthsounds can even be used to play back samples) This archive contains a whole mess of synthsounds which I've made over the years, and includes some synths, percussion, samples and other strange and cool sounding instruments. Some of the files here have multiple numerical extensions, ie: medsy.synth.02.06.1A.1F These extensions are HEX numbers to be used with the 0Exx command (the synth jump command). Since Synthsounds can be programmed to do certain things (ie change pitch, play different waveforms, etc), the 0Exx command permits Octamed to jump to that position in the synthsound program. Each numerical extension refers to a different programmed capability of that particular synthsound. These synthsounds wont work properly in anything except OctaMED (v 3.21 or higher)...although they might sound cool if you loaded them up in protracker as raw samples..I've never really tried that myself :)